Tag Archives: glasgow

Only in Glasgow: 5 Theories

The other day, in Glasgow, I saw a morning roll tucked behind the windscreen wiper of a car. There seems something deeply Glaswegian about the act. Like a cone on Wellington, it is incongruous but relatable. There’s nothing arch or contrived about a cone on a duke or a morning roll under a windscreen wiper. […]

Alphabet of the Year Part 1

2014 is coming to an end and what a year it’s been. Here’s my A-Z of the year part 1! A: Adoring my wonderful wife! (That’s us been married six months now!) B: Blogging everyday in the 60 days leading up to the referendum. Rewarding, invigorating C: Commonwealth Games – absolutely loved the atmosphere at […]

Two Pianos

During the Commonwealth Games there was a piano outside Glasgow’s Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA). It was battered, beat up and jaunty. It was a raggamuffin of piano. A scamp. It would nonchalantly climb a scale and then duck and weave through an arpeggio before falling silent like nothing had happened. This piano may not […]

A Country For An Art Lover

A House For An Art Lover was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret MacDonald (the pair were only recently married) for a competition by the German Magazine “Zeitschrift Für Innendekoration.” They were disqualified on a technicality (bit late/incomplete) but they were awarded a special prize and perhaps significantly a first prize was never awarded. […]

Independent Business

I am a fan of small independent businesses and so I thought in the run up to the referendum I’d promote this coterie. Arran Gems I got a fantastic set of cuff links made from shards of pottery that had washed up on the beach. Unique, melancholy and quirky. Upcycling is the art of our […]

Love and Cycling

Love and cycling for me are tied up. I fell in love with cycling a few months before I met the woman I have since fallen head over heels in love with. When I fractured my elbow coming off my bike in the hills and dales of Yorkshire it was this woman and two other […]

Tiny Van!

Tiny vans are being used at the Commonwealth Games to return the discusses (the ‘discussion’?) to where the athletes were chucking them. It was amazing watching these little remote controlled guys zooming around. The perspective really messed with your head because they are so well done they look like normal (far away) vans and then […]

Stars of Track and Field

Athletics events at Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games. I was part of the Hampden Roar and as a result I can only just about muster a Hampden Whisper. My voice is shot but it was worth it. Five hours of shouting and clapping. I have never been at a sporting event which had such a relentlessly positive […]

Pieces of Picasso

This is the third in my series of posts about my visit to Barcelona. Part one was about being let into the inner sanctum. Part two was about a building without wings. The self-catering little apartment we stayed in (I could totally have moved in full time) described itself as being a blend between Nordic […]